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On Poison Smoke


Now all my father’s family is in Spring City, and we all rejoice in the Gospel and have been blessed of the Lord. We were all immigrated to Zion in three years from the time I left Denmark.

I went to Emery County to see if there was any chance to make homes. I came back and could see no chance for me there. The rest went there too and could see no chance to make a start, so they too came back to Spring City.

Now our second daughter arrived to us on the second day of September, Annie Caroline.

I came to the conclusion that I must go back to the Smelter and see if I can be saving up and be prepared to go out somewhere to make a home. So I exercised great faith and prayed much in secret besides in family prayers.

I got a job again and got sick of the poison smoke. Our first son came to us in Spring City on the twenty-fifth of April 1889. We named him John Marinus. As I got sick of the smelter smoke I had to quit it, and I got in debt in place of making money. Before we left Murray our second son came, on the twenty-seventh of March, his name is Francklyn.

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