On Fasting for Rain


While I was there, there happened to be a dry season, and the grain crops were in danger of being burned up by drought. A fast meeting was called for, asking the people to fast and pray for rain.

I happened to be visiting one of Spring City’s men and being talking to him I was trying to test his faith out, so I said to him, “I guess I made a mistake not bringing my slicker along.”

“What in clear weather like this is today?”

“Yes, but remember this day is a fast day, for praying for rain.”

“O”, he said, “They can pray their eyes out, they will never get rain praying for it.”

I said, “Do not be too sure about it, if you see rain this day you will change your mind.’

“Yes, but that will never happen, to get rain today in this very clear sky.”

So I left him at the time, this was in the first part of the day, and went to secret places different times through the day and I watched up in the air once in a while along in the afternoon. I noticed a little black spot, high up in the sky, so little as a hat and it was growing, and one more came in sight, and another, and they were getting larger all the time and a little while later the whole horizon was covered with big clouds and before night it was raining so heavily that I had never seen anything like it. Now is the time for me to see my friend again.

To my great surprise he was sitting out on his porch and was so soaking wet, he had let the rain soak him purposely. He said that he did not think for a moment when I was there last, that it was going to rain that day. That was the reason he was sitting here and getting wet, for he said he was so surprised and overwhelmed with joy that he was sitting here to celebrate the day, for he did not believe that could happen.

He asked me if I really believed that it was going to rain that day. I said that I was perfectly sure of it. He said that if there is that power in Mormonism, there must be something in it. I did not believe it before.

Now in conclusion of my visit to Mexico.

I took a little walk in the evening before I was ready to leave. As I passed an old Dobehouse, the Spirit told me there was something for me in that house to take with me when I went. I wondered what that could be.

In the morning, as soon as I got up, the Spirit told me that I should get a Patriarchal Blessing before I went. I inquired where I could find a Patriarch, and I was directed over to a big house to a Patriarch. I came and asked for a blessing, he was at present without a script so he showed me to another Patriarch. When I found the place, it was the very place I had seen the night before, an old Dobehouse.

This Patriarch gave me a wonderful blessing. He was full of the Spirit of prophecy. He told me and I would lead many souls to come to Mexico, and I would see a Temple built in Mexico, and I should be working in it for my fathers dead. He also told me that my relatives would follow me to Mexico as they had followed me into the Church and into Utah and into Canada.

Now for my Temple work in Mexico Temple I would receive many revelations for who I should work for. It was wonderful how the Lord wanted to impress on my mind where my future locality would be in Mexico.

Let me state this blessing is the second Spiritual Testimony I have received here in Mexico, and when in Canada I received my first Spiritual Testimony about Mexico. So this surpasses Canada although.

This concluded my little Mexican trip with great joy.

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